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Contra Game

  • Developer: Konami
  • Genre: Run and gun
  • Version:
User Rating: Rating 4.59

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Release Date
Run and gun
Windows, Nintendo


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Destroy Your Enemies in Contra Game

William Baker

Contra is an iconic video game that was originally released in 1987 and has since become a classic. Developed and published by Konami, the game has spawned multiple sequels, spin-offs, and ports over the years. It is a 2D run and gun platformer in which the player takes control of two commandos as they battle hordes of aliens and robots to save the world. Contra game free is considered to be one of the best run and gun games ever made, with its intense action and challenging difficulty.


The sprites are detailed, colorful, and animate smoothly. The backgrounds are varied and nicely drawn as well. While the visuals may not be as sharp as some other games from its era, it still looks quite good for a 30-year-old title. The graphics for Contra game free online are nothing special by today’s standards, but they were quite impressive for their time. The backgrounds are fairly simple but effective at conveying a sense of atmosphere, while characters move fluidly with a wide range of animations. The game also features some impressive effects such as scaling and rotation which were not seen in many games at the time.


The gameplay in Contra video game is simple yet challenging; it requires you to shoot your way through stages filled with enemies while dodging bullets and obstacles. You can collect power-ups such as spread guns or machine guns which can help you defeat enemies more quickly or take out multiple targets at once. There are also several hidden bonus items scattered throughout each stage which provide additional points or extra lives if collected. It plays like an old-school arcade shooter. You run from left to right shooting enemies while dodging bullets or jumping over obstacles. You can also shoot in eight directions, allowing you to take out enemies that are out of reach or above you on the screen. Each level has its own unique set of enemies and obstacles, so no two levels play exactly alike. The game play Contra online features power-ups that can give you extra lives or weapons such as spread shots or flamethrowers that make your character more powerful than usual. The controls are tight and responsive, making it easy to take out enemies quickly without taking too much damage yourself.


Two players can join forces in Contra online game by taking control of one commando each on a single screen. This mode adds a lot of replay value to the game as it allows you to tackle levels with a friend rather than alone. You can even combine your weapons together for more powerful attacks than either player could do alone! It’s also great for competing against each other for high scores or just goofing around with your buddy as you blow away aliens together!


Despite its age, play Contra free still holds up well when it comes to replayability thanks primarily to its difficulty level which will keep even experienced gamers challenged for hours on end. Each stage requires careful exploration in order to find all the secrets within them as well as mastering enemy patterns which makes going back through them enjoyable even after you’ve finished them once before. There are also many secrets hidden throughout each level like extra lives or power-ups which encourage players to explore every area thoroughly if they want to get ahead in the game. In addition, there are several different endings depending on how far you make it through the game which gives players an incentive to keep playing until they see them all!


  • What platforms are available?
    The original version was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) but it has since been re-released on multiple platforms including the Super NES, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation, Xbox, and mobile devices.
  • How many levels are in Contra free online?
    The original NES version consists of 30 levels spread across five different stages. Each stage contains six levels plus a boss fight at the end.
  • How do I control my character?
    The controls for both Bill and Lance are very simple. The left directional pad moves your character left and right, while the A button makes your character jump and the B button fires your weapon.
  • What weapons can I use in Contra Nintendo game?
    You can choose from four weapons - a standard machine gun, a spread gun, a laser gun, and a fire gun. Each weapon has its own unique properties that make it more effective against certain enemies.
  • Are there any cheat codes?
    Yes! There are several cheat codes available that can give you unlimited lives or power-ups such as extra weapons or invincibility.


Overall, Contra install download is an iconic classic that deserves its place among gaming’s greatest hits due to its excellent graphics, tight controls, intense gameplay, multiplayer mode, secrets & endings plus much more! Whether you’re looking for an old school challenge or just want something fun to play with a friend then it should definitely be at the top of your list!


  • Fun and challenging gameplay
  • Variety of weapons
  • Co-op mode


  • Short length
  • No online multiplayer

Play Contra Game on Computer & Nintendo Switch

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