Contra is an iconic and much-beloved video game franchise that has been around since the late 1980s. It was originally released in Japan as “Gryzor”, and introduced to North American audiences as Contra. The game follows two commandos, Lance Bean and Bill Rizer, as they fight against aliens attempting to take over the Earth. Along their journey, they must battle through eight levels of intense action with powerful weapons and a wide range of enemies.
The gameplay of Contra is its main selling point. It’s a classic 2D side-scrolling shooter that requires players to survive wave after wave of enemies while trying to make it safely to the end of each level. While some of the levels are straightforward, others require players to think outside the box and use different strategies in order to prevail. The game also offers powerups such as extra lives, which can be collected by shooting crates or enemy soldiers.
The visuals in Contra are also noteworthy; they feature vibrant colors and detailed sprites that capture the energy and excitement of the game perfectly. Even though it’s been over 30 years since its release, its graphics still hold up today and look great on modern systems.
Finally, Contra has become legendary for its difficulty level; due to this, it has gained a cult following among hardcore gamers who have embraced its challenge with open arms. Even though it can be frustrating at times, this challenge is part of what makes Contra so attractive; it rewards players who persevere with success.
Overall, Contra is an iconic video game franchise that has stood the test of time due to its intense action and challenging gameplay. Its visuals still look great today and attract gamers from all generations looking for a nostalgic blast from past decades. If you are looking for an intense adrenaline rush filled with waves of enemies and powerups galore then look no further than Contra!
Step-by-Step Guide How to Play Contra
- Choose a Character
Choose whether to play as the commando Bill or the ninja Lance. Your character will determine your starting weapon and special abilities. - Choose Difficulty Level
Contra offers three levels of difficulty: Easy, Normal and Hard. The enemy strength and attack patterns will vary depending on the difficulty level you choose. - Choose Power-Ups
Throughout the game, you'll be able to pick up power-ups that can give you an edge in battle. Choose wisely which power-ups to use and when to use them for maximum effectiveness. - Move Around the Map
Use the directional buttons on your controller to move your character around the map. Watch out for enemies that may be lurking around corners or behind cover - Shoot Enemies
Press the attack button to shoot enemies with your weapon of choice (depending on which character you chose). You can also use special weapons such as grenades or rocket launchers if you have them equipped. - Collect Items
Collect items such as health packs, extra lives and power-ups as they appear throughout each level of the game in order to stay healthy and powerful! - Defeat Bosses
Fight and defeat bosses at the end of each level in order to progress through Contra and ultimately win the game!